F. Ciucci
Bio: Dr. Ciucci is an assistant professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology supported by a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship and by a Bechtel Fellowship. He pursued postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute of Scientific Computing at the University of Heidelberg where he received a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant from the European Union (2010-2013). Prior to that he did a dual M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics/Applied Physics at Ecole Centrale Paris, France and in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His current research interests include: modeling electrochemical devices (fuel cells, batteries, and sensors), optimal experimental design, numerical methods, and SOFC materials development.
Research in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Parameter Identification in Impedance Spectroscopy, Ion Exchange Profiling and Electrochemical Relaxation and Characterization of SOFC Cathode Materials
The talk will present the highlights of my ongoing research on parameter identification in electrochemical systems and recent experimental results on novel cathodes developed for intermediate temperature fuel cells.
In the first part of the talk, I will discuss the statistical link between modeling results experimental data obtained using techniques widely employed in solid-state electrochemistry, such as Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) and Isotope Exchange Depth Profiling (IEDP). This link is made in order to understand level of uncertainty on estimated parameters and in order to provide strategies that reduce this uncertainty using Optimal Experimental Design (OED). Within the OED setting, the controllable experimental variables are optimized so that the confidence on the parameters estimated parameters obtained in the experiment are reduced. Subsequently synthetic experiments are performed to check the quality of the analytical estimators of the parameters errors. Concurrent minimization of the experimental time and of the quality of the parameters estimates is considered and the result of this optimization procedure leads to experimental configurations that can improve the quality of the estimated parameters (up 90% relative error reduction) and drastically reduce (up 80%) the experimental time [1-2]. Guidelines for EIS [1-2], IEDP [3] and ECR [4] optimization are provided in a unified setting. Freely available matlab code is also introduced [5].
In the second part of the talk I discuss a few new results concerning novel cathode materials SrNb
3−δ (SNC) and Ba
3−δ (BLF). Electrochemical as well as physical characterization of SNC and BLF dense thin films (~150 nm) deposited on Yittrium Stabilized Zirconia (8%) under symmetric cell conditions are reported. Area specific resistances as low as 0.2 Ω/cm
2 at 650C are reported [6]
[1] F. Ciucci, T. Carraro, W.C. Chueh, and W. Lai, Electrochim. Acta, 56, 5416 (2011)
[2] F. Ciucci.
Electrochimica Acta. 87, 532–545 (2013)
[3] F. Ciucci. Solid State Ionics 232, 97–105 (2013)
[4] F. Ciucci. Solid State Ionics, 239, 28-40 (2013)
[5] F. Ciucci //sites.google/ecrtools.
[6]D. Chen, C. Chen, F. Dong, Z. Shao, F. Ciucci, J. Power Sources (in press)