邀请,英国利兹大学粒子科学与工程技术研究所Baohua Xu博士将为宝盈集团
师生做“Modelling particulate multiphase flows by coupling DEM with CFD”的学术报告,欢迎各位老师和同学踊跃参加!
Baohua Xu博士的研究经历如下:
Dr. Baohua Xu received his PhD at the University of New South Wales. He currently worked in the Institute of Particle Science and Engineering of the University of Leeds, UK. Over the past decade, his research interests have been focused on the modelling of particulate multiphase flow systems by coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Discrete Element Method (DEM) - Combined Continuum and Discrete Model (CCDM). In DEM simulations, he evaluated the trajectories and rotations of individual particles based on Newton’s second law of motion and contact forces using contact mechanics. His CFD calculation for the fluid is combined with the DEM model of the particles’ behaviour by applying Newton’s third law of motion to the fluid-particle interaction force. This ensures the two sets of equations, which are solved on different length scales, are correctly coupled. His current research work includes: the investigation of the effects of interparticle cohesive forces on gas fluidisation; mixing and segregation during stockpile formation; the breakage and deformation of aggregates in simple elongated shear flows; the layer-inversion phenomenon and heat transfer in liquid fluidised beds; monitoring wet granulation processes using ultrasound.