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来源:       时间:2014-05-06      点击量:
讲座题目:Novel soft X-ray scattering experiments revealing how the undiscovered structure impacts the performance of organic solar cells
主讲人: Dr. MA Wei
地点:西安交大行政主楼B座 B-103
讲座摘要:The electronic and physical properties of soft/organic matter/materials are widely tunable and are often determined by their nano-to-mesoscale structure. The complex interplay between structure and these fundamental properties is applicable in a host of technologies and therefore important in many research areas. Unfortunately, such structure is particularly difficult to measure due to the low contrast with many traditional probes (X-rays, neutrons, or electrons) and low levels of molecular ordering. Recent advances in resonant soft X-ray techniques have opened new avenues to explore mesoscale physics in organic materials by probing the unique electronic orbitals in each molecule. I will discuss the work revealing the power of resonant X-rays to investigate complex hierarchical structure and molecular orientation of organic solar cells. With this new capability to look deep inside organic systems, we can now probe origins of emergent properties in functional organic materials, making possible their use in a new class of flexible electronics that could revolutionize how we use technology and embody an abundant and economically competitive source of renewable energy.
Research Interests:
  • Morphology investigation of organic electronics (OPV, OFET, etc…) and device fabrication;
  • Synchrotron & neutron techniques (resonant soft x-ray scattering and neutron scattering)
  • Interface and surface structure of Soft matter (block copolymer, potein, etc…)
Professional experience:
09/2011- present   Department of Physics, North-California State University, USA 
                 Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Harald ADE
Morphology characterization of organic solar cells with resonant soft x-ray scattering
09/2010-09/2012   UMR 8640 PASTEUR – Chemistry Department, Ecole Normale Supérieur(TOP 30 IN THE WORLD),FRANCE with Dr. Drazen Zanchi ATER(Teacher &Postdoctoral Associate)
09/2007-12/2010   Laboratoire Chimie Physique- Matière et rayonnement(LCPMR)-found by Nobel prize owner Jean Perrin-UPMC, Paris, France, Advisor :Prof. Jan Lüning
09/2006-09/2007   Laboratoire Matériaux Organiques à Propriétés Spécifique; Université de Savoie, Chambéry, Advisor:Prof. N. D. Alberola

Teaching experience
lllllExcellent student Award, SCUT, 2003, 2004 and 2005


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Email:[email protected]


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