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来源:       时间:2014-11-07      点击量:
        应宝盈集团 邀请,宝盈集团 客座教授、日本东京理科大学理工学部机械工学科川口靖夫教授(Yasuo Kawaguchi) 将于11月16日~20日访问我校,并于11月17日下午3时在新办工楼104会议室为宝盈集团 师生做题为《Experimental investigation on non-Newtonian fluid turbulence - physics, drag reduction, application》的学术报告,欢迎各位老师和同学踊跃参加!
       川口靖夫(Yasuo Kawaguchi)教授是流动、流变及传热领域的国际知名专家,曾在京都大学、日本国立产业综合研究所、美国俄亥俄州立大学等多个国际著名的研究机构学习或任职,在非牛顿流体湍流减阻、基于DNS的数值模拟和现代流动测试技术等方面都有着丰富的经验和很深的造诣,是多个地区及国际会议(第三届亚洲计算传热大会,第12、13、14、15、16届里斯本流体力学激光技术应用大会等)的召集人或学术委员会成员,在行业内具有较大的学术影响力,在相关领域的国际期刊及会议上发表过数百篇论文。
[1] Wei J.J., Kawaguchi, Y. and Zhang C.W., “Brownian dynamics of surfactant micellar microstructure and rheology”, in “Brownian Motion: Theory, Modelling and Applications”, ISBN 978-1-61209-537-0 (2011) pp. 205-226.
[2] Tsukahara, T. and Kawaguchi, Y., "Turbulent heat transfer in drag-reducing channel flow of viscoelastic fluid" In "Evapolation, Condensation and Heat Transfer", ISBN 978-953-307-583-9, (2011), pp. 375-400, In Tech.
[3] 李鳳臣、宇波、魏進家、川口靖夫、「表面活性剤湍流減阻」、高等教育出版社(2012. 6).
[4] Tsukahara, T., Ishigami, T., Yu, B., and Kawaguchi, Y., “DNS study on viscoelastic effect in drag-reduced turbulent channel flow”, Journal of Turbulence, 12-13 (2011), pp.1-25.
[5] Tsukahara, T., Kawase, T. and Kawaguchi, Y., “DNS of viscoelastic turbulent channel flow with recutangular orifice at low Reynolds number", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32-3 (2011), pp.529-538.
[6] Wang, Y., Yu, B., Wu, X., Wei, J.J., Li, F.Ch. and Kawaguchi, Y., “POD study on the mechanism of turbulent drag reduction and heat transfer reduction based on direct numerical simulation”, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 11-3/4 (2011), pp.149-159.
[7] Wei, J.J, Wang, J.F., Zhang, C.W. and Kawaguchi, Y., "Combined effects of temperature and Reynolds number on drag-reducing characteristics of a cationic surfactant solution", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 90-5 (2012.10), pp.1304-1310.
[8] M. Motozawa, J. Chang, T. Sawada and Y. Kawaguchi, Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics in Rectangular Duct Flow of a Magnetic Fluid under Magnetic Field, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.39, No.1-4 (2012.10), pp. 583-588.
[9] Xuan Wu, Nozomi Washio, Hiroshi Aida, Takahiro Tsukahara, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Bo Yu, "PIV study on intermittent flow structure in Poiseuille channel flow at transitional Reynolds number", Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 47-1 (2013.1), 101 – 106.
[10] D. Tsurumi, S. Kawada, T. Kawase, T. Tsukahara, and Y. Kawaguchi, "Experimental analysis of
turbulent structure in viscoelastic fluid flow downstream of two-dimensional orifice", Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7, (Sep. 2012), pp. 191-194.


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