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Carbon Neutralization Pathways and Technologies International Summer School(XJTISS)

来源:       时间:2023-07-06      点击量:
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Under the constraint of carbon neutrality, low carbon and zero carbon development of energy and chemical industry has become an urgent need for industrial transformation and environmental protection.

In thiscourse,we invited famous expertsfrom top universities all over the world in the field of carbon neutrality technology to givea series of lectures. Thecourse is open todomestic and foreign students related to chemical engineering, environment, energy and other related disciplines.It helpsstudentstoacquire knowledge of carbonneutralization technology.


Ying Zheng

Professor and a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Chemical Reaction and Intensification with the Department of Chemical Engineering, Western University. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Engineering Institute of Canada, and the Chemical Institute of Canada CIC as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society of chemistry (UK) and the Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK). Her research interests lie in the field of catalysis and catalytic processes for clean energy innovations. New catalytic materials along with catalytic processes are developed for application in CO2 utilization, N2 fixation, H2 production and clean/biofuel upgrading. She is an enthusiastic teacher and have trained many graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Professor Zheng also actively serves the Chemical Engineering Society, serving as the Chair of the Catalysis Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada (2018-2020), as a member of journal editorial boards and grant selection committees, and as editors and guest editors of various scientific journals. She has received numerous awards, including the 2018 Applied Catalysis Awards (the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK), the Award in Design and Industrial Practice in 2018, and the 2010 Syncrude Canada Innovation Award from CIC.

Korneel Rabaey

Professor at the Department of Biotechnology at Ghent University as well as honorary professor at The University of Queensland. He is one of the founders and the present Chief Technology officer of CAPTURE (www.capture-resources.be), a center focusing on resource recovery in the fields of Water, Carbon Capture and Utilization and Plastics to Resource. He is founder of HYDROHM (www.hydrohm.com), a company focusing on electrification in the water sector. His main research efforts are on resource recovery from wastewater, decentralized treatments, industrial liquid sidestreams and CO2 streams from industry. Typically a combination of electrochemical and/or microbial approaches is used to achieve formation of added value products. He is the author or co-author of over 250 refereed articles attracting over 45000 citations, listing him as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher. He is Fellow of the International Water Association and was laureate of the Royal Academy (Belgium) in 2016. He is executive editor in chief of Environmental Science & Ecotechnology, as well as Editorial Advisory Board member for Environmental Science & Technology.

Geoff Wang

Professorof The University of Queensland. He received his PhD in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering from the Northeastern University, Shenyang, China in 1990, and then worked in Wuhan University of Science and Technology for 5 years and about 2 years at University of New South Wales. He joined the University of Queensland in 1996 unit now. His research activity and interests are directed towards developing energy and environmental technologies dealing with the coal and steel industries. He has been active and performed many research programs in clean energy and low-carbon technologies such as pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces, hydrogen production through lower emission coal combustion, and chemical and electrochemical conversion of CO2 to fuel or reusable chemicals.

Yunting Ge

Professor of Building Services Engineering in the School of The Built

Environment and Architecture and London South Bank University (LSBU) in the UK. He is also the Director of the Centre for Civil and Building Services Engineering (CCiBSE) in the school. Prof. Ge has accumulated over 25 years of research and development experience in Built Environment, Energy Conversation Technology, Hydrogen and Thermofluids. He has unique skills in modelling development for buildings, different energy systems and components. He has also developed a CO2 transcritical compressor model which has been used by a famous commercial software ‘Energy Plus’. Many of his heat exchanger design software has been utilized by companies across the UK. In addition, He has developed a supermarket energy control system model which has been widely recognized. Furthermore, he has published over 140 peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference papers.

Chunfei Wu

Dr Chunfei Wu is a Reader at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the Chemical Engineering Programme Lead at QUB. He has worked in the areas of converting renewable and waste resources to energy, fuel, and chemicals through catalytic thermochemical routes for more than 15 years. He is the PI of a EU RISE international exchange programme in relation to biomass gasification and carbon capture and utilization, coordinating 15 research groups. Dr Wu has also been involved in several EPSRC, Innovate UK, Royal Society and other EU projects. He has publishedover180 peer-reviewed journal papers withover8300 citations (H index of 55, Google Scholar). He is the Managing Editor of Biomass and Bioenergy, and he is a Charted Scientist and a Member of Royal Society of Chemistry. He is also the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Carbon Capture Science & Technology, a Gold Open Access journal published by Elsevier.

Yunsong Yu

Professor and Vice Dean of School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, received his Ph.D. degree in 2012 and a joint Ph.D. from the University of Queensland, Australia, working on carbon dioxide capture and utilization, chemical process intensification, etc. He received the Wong K.C. Young Scholar Award, the First Prize of Shaanxi Petrochemical Science and etc. He has conducted 13 scientific research projects, and presided over the first batch of original projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China related to carbon dioxide capture, and enterprise projects such as CO2 capture in China National Offshore Oil Gas Power Plant and CO2 capture in Enfield Industrial Flue Gas. He has published 60 papers in international journals, granted by 10 patents. He won the Excellent doctoral Dissertation Award of Shaanxi Province and the Excellent Advisor Award of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society.

Jiabin Fang

Associate Professor of School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University. He obtained his doctoral degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2012. After completing his studies, he worked as an R&D engineer at Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. from 2012 to 2014. In 2014, he returned to the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Xi'an Jiaotong University. Dr. Fang's primary research interests lie in solar thermal, photovoltaic, and energy storage technologies. He has made significant contributions in the field, including the development of a scientific design theory for high-flux heat absorption/thermal storage devices. Throughout his career, he has led and participated in various projects, including 6 national-level projects and over 12 enterprise projects.

Xu Zhao

Associate Professor who currently leads his research group as the Principal Investigator in the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research focuses on the atomic-level design of metal-based nanomaterials with electrocatalytic mechanism investigation for sustainable hydrogen-energy conversion technologies, including water electrolysis for hydrogen generation, fuel cells for hydrogen utilization, as well as carbon/nitrogen-based molecules upgrading for high-value chemicals. Meanwhile, he also pays attention to the assembly of hydrogen-conversion devices to realize the industrial utilization. He also serves as the Youth Editor to process energy/catalysis-relevant manuscripts for 4 journals, including"The Innovation","Chinese Chemical Letters","Exploration", and"Journal of Energy Chemistry".


Thiscourse aims at the carbon neutrality, focuses on key scientific issues and engineering application challenges in the process of achieving low-carbon energy and chemical industry, and sets the following three main research directions: solar Thermochemistry conversion, efficient capture and utilization of carbon dioxide, efficient utilization of hydrogen energy, and coupling with carbon utilization.

Synchronous online and offline teaching (Tencent Meeting).







July. 10

10:00-11:30 (Beijing time)


Carbon Neutralization Pathways and Technologies




July. 10

15:30-17:00 (Beijing time)


(Main Building A-104 )

Advanced progress on catalysis in water electrolyzer and fuel cells


Xu Zhao


July. 11

10:00-11:30 (Beijing time)


(Main BuildingD-206 )

Low carbon strategies to transforming Carbon Dioxide into Useful Chemicals


Ying Zheng


July. 11

15:30-17:00 (Beijing time)


Converting CO2 into feed and food via microbial protein


Korneel Rabaey


July. 12

10:00-11:30 (Beijing time)


Development of integrated CO2 capture and utilization


Chunfei Wu


July. 12

15:30-17:00 (Beijing time)


Carbon dioxide capture and utilization in iron factory


Geoff Wang


July. 13

10:00-11:30 (Beijing time)


(Main Building A-104 )

High temperature solar receiver and thermal storage systems


Jiabin Fang


July. 13

15:30-17:00 (Beijing time)


High-temperature metal hydride heat pump systems- alloy selections,

characterisations, simulation and experiment development


Yunting Ge


Enrollment: Undergraduate and graduate students from our school participate in offline courses, while other students participate in online courses.

Certificate: Xi'an Jiaotong University provides a study certificate (completion certificate) for this summer course.


Students who are interested to attend this Summer school can fill in the application form online, please click the link or scan the QR code link below:


The deadline is 8th July.

After application, please scan the code to enter the QQ group of Summer school:


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Email:[email protected]


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