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12月24日英国谢菲尔德大学Meihong Wang教授学术报告

来源:       时间:2019-12-23      点击量:
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报告时间:2019.12.24  16:00-18:00        


1. Title of the Seminar

Process/Energy Systems Engineering for Power Plants, CCUS, Energy Storage and Bio-Energy.


2. Synopsis of the Seminar (报告摘要)

The Seminar will start with an introduction to Systems Engineering, followed by motivations of our research. The main part will be our research in Power Plants, Carbon Capture and Transport in the context of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS). Then the topic will be extended to the use of Systems Engineering methods for study in Energy Storage and Bio-Energy.


3. Personal Profile

Professor Meihong Wang,

Professor of Energy Systems Engineering at Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK.

Moved to the UK in Jan. 1999, Prof Wang joined the Centre for Process Systems Engineering at Imperial College London as Research Assistant (also PhD at UCL), then Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Imperial College London from Jan. 2002. From Jun. 2004 to Oct. 2006, he worked as Senior Engineer in Alstom Power Technology Centre, UK. From Oct. 2006 to Sept. 2012, he worked at Cranfield University as Lecturer in Process Systems Engineering and MSc Course Director on Carbon Capture and Transport. He joined the University of Hull in Oct. 2012 as Reader, was promoted to Professorship in Aug. 2014. From Sept. 2016, he moved to the University of Sheffield as Professor of Energy Systems.

Meihong is a Chartered Engineer. He has published over 180 technical papers (over 90 of them are journal papers). One of his publications was awardedSAGE Best Paper Prize2014 and alsoLudwig Mond Prize 2014by IMechE. Another paper (Wang et al., 2011) is the most cited paper inChemical Engineering Research and Designsince 2010. Thepaper (Aneke and Wang, 2016) was givenAward for the Most Cited Review PaperbyApplied EnergyJournal in 2016 (during ICAE2017 in Cardiff UK) &Award for the Most Cited Review PaperbyApplied EnergyJournal in 2015 and 2016 (during ICAE2018 in Hong Kong).Prof Wang is also a joint winner of Nigeria Prize for Science 2019. Currently 4 of his publications are listed as Highly Cited and 1 is listed as Hot Paper.

Since 2006, Meihong has been involved in 21 research projects worth around £20 million from UK Research Councils (EPSRC and NERC), European Union (EU) and Industry as investigators (PI or CI). From 2014 to 20117, Meihong coordinates a project funded by EU FP7 Programme on International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) with 40 research staff from 6 partners (3 from Europe and 3 from China). From 2014 to 2018, Meihong leads an EPSRC funded consortium project (worth £1.27 million) applying process intensification for carbon capture using solvents with flue gas from gas-fired CCGT power plants. There are 10 academics, 5 research staff plus 6 Managers from industry involved in this 42-month project.

Meihong became EPSRC Peer Review College Member from Sept. 2012. He is also an academic Member and also Scientific Council member of EPSRC funded UK CCS Research Centre (UKCCSRC), Member of Science Board in EPSRC funded Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (H2FC) SuperGen Hub and Member of the Science Board in the EPSRC funded Energy Storage SuperGen Hub. Since 2006, he has been involved in organising8 international academic conferences. He hosted 10thEuropean Conference on Coal research and Its Application (ECCRIA 10) at the University of Hull in Sept. 2014. This event attracted 121 delegates from 14 countries to Hull for 3 days.

Meihong currently leads the Process and Energy Systems Engineering Research Group at Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield with 14 researchers (including post-doctoral, PhD and visiting researchers).


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