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来源:       时间:2019-07-16      点击量:
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Boron for Energy Storage and Two-dimensional (BEST) Materials




宝盈集团 办公楼302会议室


· 黄振国,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学高级讲师,德国洪堡高级学者,日本国立材料科学研究所科研顾问,新南威尔士大学兼职高级讲师, 国际储氢协会主席。 2001年本科毕业于在东北大学,2007年在澳大利亚伍伦贡大学获得博士学位。然后在美国俄亥俄州立大学做博士后研究。2011年获得澳大利亚科学委员会青年职业奖。2016年获得伍伦贡大学科研成果转化奖。共发表1个书本章节,4个专利, 70个期刊论文。题目涵盖:1) 含硼储氢材料,2)氮氧化合物光催化材料,3) 二维氮化硼,4) 电池材料: 正负极和电解液。作为通讯作者,近期文发表在Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials (两篇,其中一篇得到《自然》的点评), Materials Today, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A , Chemical Communications。


Boron for Energy Storage and Two-dimensional (BEST) Material 

Dr. Zhenguo Huang

University of Technology Sydney
[email protected]


   Boron, hydrogen, and nitrogen form many compounds together (denoted as BHN) that have high hydrogen capacity (weight percent). These compounds typically feature extensive intra- and/or intermolecular N−Hδ+---Hδ-−B dihydrogen interactions, which enable facile dehydrogenation.[1] We have been developing novel synthesis methods and exploring new BHN compounds for hydrogen storage,[1,2] which has been one of the bottlenecks for wide deployment of hydrogen fuel cell cars. Boron is also a key element of the electrolyte salt for the emerging Na-ion and Mg batteries. Its ability to form large and electrochemically stable ions enables good tuning of the interactions between anions and cations, and the conductivity and electrochemical windows of the corresponding electrolytes. For example, sodium-difluoro(oxalato)borate (NaDFOB) outperforms the most widely used commercial salts for Na-ion batteries in terms of rate capability and cycling performance.[3] This breakthrough in hydrogen storage and Na-ion batteries has been successfully commercialized in partnership with Boron Molecular, a specialist chemical manufacturer. Boron and nitrogen together form a layered compound, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), which is isostructural to graphene. By guiding the dehydrogenation, BHN compounds can be made to form few-atomic-layered h-BN. We have been able to grow large few-atomic-layer h-BN nanosheets on Cu substrates.[4] h-BN nanosheets could be an excellent atomically thin protective layer over Cu substrate if it is made with high quality.[5] Our recent findings have seen boron nitride nanosheets dramatically improve the thermal response of temperature-sensitive hydrogels.[6] h-BN nanosheets have recently been found to show interesting catalytic properties such as selective oxidative dehydrogenation of alkane to alkene and photocatalytic H2 and O2 generation from water.




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