Title:Metal hydrides research and development at HySA(Hydrogen South Africa) Systems
Reporter:Dr Serge Nyamsi
South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry, University of the Western Cape
Lecture time:2018.11.5 16:30-18:00(Monday,宝盈集团
The HySA Systems Integration & Technology Validation Competence Centre, HySA Systems, hosted by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and located at the South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC), and directed (acting) by Sivakumar Pasupathi, is one of three national Competence Centres that were initiated by the Department of Science and Technology’s National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (HFCT) Flagship Project, also known as Hydrogen South Africa or HySA. The main objective with HySA Systems is to (i) develop HFC systems and prototypes, (ii) perform technology validation and system integration in three key HySA programmes: (1) Combined Heat and Power (CHP), (2) Portable systems and (3) Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicles (HFV). I will give an overview of Metal Hydride Research and Development at HySA Systems, the focus will be given in: (1) high temperature metal hydrides such as Mg-Transition metals nano-composites for hydrogen storage with their integration with Solid oxide Fuel cell, (2) Ti-based AB2-type metal hydrides for hydrogen storage and compression applications.
Dr Serge is currently a postdoctoral research at HySA Systems within the South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC) from the faculty of Natural science, UWC. His research interests in energy storage technologies include design and optimization of potential metal hydrides for hydrogen storage and thermal energy storage, heat management and energy efficiency improvement.