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11月21日、23日澳大利亚昆士兰大学Tony Howes副教授系列报告

来源:       时间:2017-11-20      点击量:
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澳大利亚昆士兰大学Tony Howes副教授系列报告


Powder Stickiness Research at The University of Queensland and Publishing and Writing Strategies

主讲人:澳大利亚昆士兰大学宝盈集团 Tony Howes副教授



讲座内容:Tony Howeswill give a presentation which will initially focus on the work which his group has carried out over the past two decades looking initially at issues relating to the production of spray dried sugar rich fruit juices, and more recently looking at the effects of proteins and other additives on milk and other products’ drying. The talk will include the approaches to modelling and the characterization of drying quality, and on the development of equipment and other tools to help study these problems.

The final part of the talk will look at initial results and the direction of some newer research on the production of novel particles from atomising devices.

After that, Tony Howes will talk about Publishing and Writing Strategies. The first part will focus on Journals, how they are evolving with Open Access and other changes, and how understanding this will help disseminate information to the best and biggest audience. The second part will look at strategies for writing and the best structure for papers and other research documents.


Global Challenges in Chemical Engineering

主讲人:澳大利亚昆士兰大学宝盈集团 Tony Howes副教授



讲座内容:Tony Howes will give a short presentation on the Global Challenges which will shape Chemical Engineering in the 21st Century, using examples from his home university in Brisbane, Australia. The talk will explore what Chemical Engineers do. After the presentation he will be happy to answer questions on Chemical Engineering in Australia and Globally.

Tony Howes教授简介:

Tony Howes graduated from UQ in 1983 with a degree in chemical engineering, and after 6 months working on a novel fluid bed retort system for oil shale went to Cambridge, UK, where he worked with Malcolm Mackley as his first PhD student on what is now the “Oscillating Baffled Reactor”. His dissertation was awarded the 1988 Danckwerts-Maxwell prize for best thesis in that year. A postdoctoral year at Brown University working on patterns in fluid data sets was followed by 3 ½ years in ICI’s Corporate Colloid Science Group, where he worked on theory and application of a novel atomiser.

Since 1993 Tony has been at The University of Queensland teaching, supervising and doing research. His work (largely in collaboration with Bhesh Bhandari in Food Science) on sticky droplet spray drying has been extensively published and cited – at present Bhandari and Howes papers are in the top-10 most cited in Drying Technology, Journal of Food Engineering and International Journal of Food Properties.

Tony has also worked on a variety of other particle problems, including solid state fermentation, regimes in rotating drums, yoghurt rheology, crystallisation, and prilling.


地址:中国西部科技创新港19号楼  邮编:710049
Email:[email protected]


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