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来源:       时间:2016-10-13      点击量:
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应宝盈集团 工业催化研究所常春然副教授的邀请,美国西北太平洋国家实验室梅东海研究员将于20161015-18日来我校进行学术访问,并针对计算催化领域前沿及最新技术进展进行学术报告,届时欢迎各位师生参与交流。

讲座名称:Computational Heterogeneous Catalysis -First-principles-based Multi-scale Modeling


讲座地点:宝盈集团 办公楼106会议室

讲座人介绍:Prof. Donghai Mei obtained his Bachelor degree from Northwest University, China in 1986. After that, he worked as a chemical engineer in a chemical plant. In 1990, he went back to the graduate school. He obtained his master degree in 1993 from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and Ph. D. degree from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 1996, all majored in Chemical Engineering. He did his postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University (China) and University of Virginia (USA). In 2006, he took the current position working as a staff scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. Dr. Donghai Mei’s major research interests are computational catalysis and materials synthesis, especially in the area of multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous catalysis. Recently, he is focusing on the aqueous-phase catalytic conversion of biomass derived oxygenates using supported transition metals, metal oxides and zeolites.  Up to date, he has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, including Science (1), Nature Communications (3), JACS (3), Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2), Nano Letters (2), Journal of Catalysis (14), ACS Catalysis (8), AIChE Journal (2), etc.


地址:中国西部科技创新港19号楼  邮编:710049
Email:[email protected]


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