Ionic liquids for controlled synthesis of functional materials for energy-related applications
讲座人:Dai Sheng教授
内容:Conventional synthesis of functional materials relies heavily on water and organic solvents. Alternatively, the synthesis of functional materials using, or in the presence of, ionic liquids represents a burgeoning direction in materials chemistry.[1] Ionic liquids are a family of non-conventional molten salts that can act as both templates and precursors to functional materials, as well as solvent. They offer many advantages, such as negligible vapor pressures, wide liquidus ranges, good thermal stability, tunable solubility of both organic and inorganic molecules, and much synthetic flexibility. The unique solvation environment of these ionic liquids provides new reaction media for controlling formation of porous materials and tailoring morphologies of advanced materials. Challenges and opportunities in this research area will be discussed.
讲座人介绍:戴胜教授,美国橡树林国家实验室Corporate Fellow(实验室最高等级研究人员),美国田纳西大学化学系教授。1984年和1986年在浙江大学化学系获得学士和硕士学位,1990年在美国田纳西大学获得博士学位。其研究方向涉及离子液体、多孔碳和氧化物等纳米材料在能源储存、分离和催化中的应用。在国际重要期刊上发表论文500余篇,其中在Nature Materials、Nature Technology、JACS、Angew Chem Int Edit、Advanced Materials等顶级学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,被他人引用30000余次,H-因子70。拥有16个有关离子液体、熔盐和多孔材料在能源中应用的美国发明专利。其研究获得多项奖励包括Battelle S&TChallenges Award(2002),four R&D100 Awards(2010, 2011, two in 2014)以及Battelle Distinguished Inventor Award等。2014、2015连续两年被汤普森-路透集团评为材料科学与工程领域高被引科学家。