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来源:       时间:2015-11-19      点击量:

讲座题目 Dividing Wall Column Technology Advances & Challenges




In order to comply with globally proclaimed requirement for increasing sustainability of new designs, the economic incentives are so strong that inherently conservative process industries are interested in industrial development and implementation of energy saving distillation technologies. An encouraging technological breakthrough in this respect occurred in the mid-1980s, by introduction of the first Dividing Wall Column (DWC), i.e. a single shell, fully thermally coupled distillation column for obtaining three or four high purity products. Such a column as proven in many industrial applications in the meantime enables on average 30 % saving in energy and an equivalent saving in capital, accompanied by nearly halving the required plot area compared to conventional two or three column sequences. However, process industries seem still to be reluctant to implement a DWC. The main reason for this may be a lack of established design procedures and fear of unstable operation. Therefore these aspects have been addressed and as shown in this presentation encouraging advances in this respect made in a cooperative effort of academia, DWC manufacturers and users. In addition, it is shown that existing two or three column sequences could be transformed in a cost-effective way into a dividing wall column (DWC) to allow energy saving equivalent to that achievable in new designs. This makes DWC to an interesting retrofit option for process industries willing to achieve a substantial reduction in energy requirement and carbon dioxide emissions in existing plants. Additional benefit is reflected in the potential for increasing substantially the capacity of existing units in most sustainable way.



ŽARKO OLUJIĆ教授是世界著名的精馏技术专家, ŽARKO OLUJIĆ教授自1976起开始从事精馏节能技术开发等方面的研究工作,曾经在南斯拉夫、德国及荷兰等多个个国家的著名精馏技术研究室中工作过,他多次担任国际重要学术会议的主席,是国际著名精馏技术专家。在荷兰领导一个大型科研组,有国际一流的精馏技术实验装置,研究工作处于国际前沿,在精馏塔内件开发及精馏节能技术研究领域做出了重大贡献。在此期间,ŽARKO OLUJIĆ教授还获得了多项优秀奖。



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