瑞典隆德大学著名换热专家Bengt Sundén教授于2016年5月13日来访学院,并做学术讲座。本次学术讲座由宝盈集团
Bengt Sundén教授就表面微纳结构强化沸腾换热做了精彩的报告。首先,他介绍了影响沸腾换热沸腾起始点(ONB)、传热系数(HTC)及临界热流密度(CHF)的几个关键因素,阐述了Lund大学沸腾实验室在微纳结构表面池沸腾换热方面的研究进展,其中包括在光滑表面、翅片表面和波纹型表面沉积不同类型的纳米粒子、形成多孔介质以改变加热表面的润湿特性,从而提高沸腾换热性能。此外,Bengt Sundén教授课题组还研究了微结构表面管内流动沸腾的流型特征、压降特征以及相应关联式的建立。他通过若干例子阐明了传热表面结构和性质的调控对于沸腾换热强化的意义。最后,他对这一研究的前景作了展望,并指出其最终目标是为了开发下一代高效换热器。

师生们认真听取讲座,并就讲座中的学术问题与Bengt Sundén教授进行了热烈的讨论和深入的交流。
Bengt Sundén教授是西安交通大学客座教授,与西安交通大学多位教授有长期的合作。魏进家教授和Bengt Sundén教授合作申请了由国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与瑞典科研与教育国际合作基金会(STINT)共同支持的国际合作与交流项目“利用表面微/纳米复合结构强化沸腾换热研究”并得到批准,项目执行期为2016年1月到2018年12月。此次,Bengt Sundén教授来访,除了进行学术讲座外,还将就合作项目内容、研究进展和研究人员互派等方面与魏进家教授课题组进行深入讨论。
Bengt Sundén教授简介:
Bengt Sundén received his M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering 1973, Ph. D. in Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 1979, and became Docent in Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 1980, all from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. He was appointed Professor of Heat Transfer at Lund University, Lund, Sweden in 1992 and serves as Department Head of Energy Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden since 1995. The research activities include compact heat exchangers, enhancement of heat transfer, gas turbine heat transfer, combustion-related heat transfer, CFD-methods for laminar and turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer, evaporation and condensation on nanostructured surfaces, liquid crystal thermography, microscale and nanofluid heat transfer, computational modeling and analysis of multiphysics and multiscale transport phenomena for fuel cells. He has published more than 600 papers in journals, books and proceedings. He has edited 29 books and authored three text books. He has supervised 180 M Sc theses, 44 Licentiate of Engineering theses, 40 PhD-theses. He is a Fellow of ASME, Honorary Professor of Xian Jiaotong Univ, China, He was a recipient of the ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award 2011. He received the ASME HTD 75th Anniversary Medal in 2013.